Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Planning & Sustainability
To rezone properties from R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) to MR-2 (Medium Density Residential-2) District to allow for the construction of single-family attached townhomes.
PETITION NO: Z-21-1243934 (2021-2110)
PROPOSED USE: 50 Single-family, attached dwelling units
LOCATION: 3605, 3611, 3599, 3593, & 3581 Rockbridge Road.
PARCEL NO. : 18 011 06 001, 18 011 06 004, 18 011 06 005, 18 011 06 006, & 18 011 06 007
INFO. CONTACT: John Reid, Senior Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Kyle Williams & Williams Teusink, LLC to rezone properties from R-75 (Residential-Medium Lot-75) District to MR-2 (Medium-Density Residential-2) District to allow for the construction of single-family attached townhomes. The property is located on the south side of Rockbridge Road and the east side of Interstate 285, at 3605,
3611, 3599, 3593, & 3581 Rockbridge Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Feb. 2021 - Full Cycle Deferral; April 2021 - Full Cycle Deferral; June 2021- Full Cycle Deferral
PLANNING COMMISSION: March 2, 2021 - Denial; May 6, 2021 - Full Cycle Deferral; July 8, 2021 Full Cycle Deferral
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions.
PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: There is a companion land use amendment request (See Case LP-21-1243933). Since the May 27th Board of Commissioners meeting, the applicant has amended the companion LP case from Suburban (SUB) to Regional Center (RC) [previously the applicant was requesting Neighborhood Center (NC)]. The request to amend to RC is consistent with the intent of the Memorial Drive Revitalization Corridor Study Small Area Plan (adopted in September 2020). That Plan recommends a Regional Center (RC) Character Area for the subject properties; to incorporate them into the larger...
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