Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 05 Super District 07
Application of Bimor, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. to request a Major Modification to zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-00043 to allow the construction of eight (8) single-family attached townhomes in the RSM (Residential Small Lot) zoning district, at 7006 Covington Highway.
PETITION NO: D1-2023-0072 CZ-23-1246251
PROPOSED USE: Construction of eight (8) single-family attached townhomes.
LOCATION: 7006 Covington Highway, Lithonia, Georgia 30058
PARCEL NO. : 16-104-01-004
INFO. CONTACT: Brandon White, Planning Manager
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Bimor, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. to request a Major Modification to zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-00043 to allow the construction of eight (8) single-family attached townhomes in the RSM (Residential Small Lot) zoning district. The property is located on the north side of Covington Highway and the west side of Wellington Walk Place, at 7006 Covington Highway, Lithonia, Georgia. The property has approximately 265 feet of frontage along Wellington Walk Place and 150 feet of frontage along Covington Highway and contains 1.09 acres.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: (June 12, 2023) Approval. (Apr. 3, 2023) Deferral. (Feb. 6, 2023) Approval.
PLANNING COMMISSION: (July 11, 2023) Approval with Conditions. (May 2, 2023) Full Cycle Deferral. (March 7, 2023) Full Cycle Deferral.
PLANNING STAFF: Approval with Conditions.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant requests a major modification of zoning conditions of CZ-00043 applicable to the Wellington Walk Subdivision to allow for the construction of seven (7) single-family, attached townhome units in addition to the eighty-two (82) units that were approved by the Board of Commissioners on May 09, 2000. As part of that app...
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